School Safety Agent Kangela Moore recently spoke at a press conference hosted by John Jay College as part of Governor Cuomo's efforts to make the Women's Equality Act a law. This Act has
10 points. Establishing pay equity for women, is point #1. Kangela, who was asked to introduce the Governor at the event, told the audience:

"Unfortunately, I know a lot about pay that is unequal. As a School Safety Agent for 22 years, I've experienced pay discrimination, first- hand. You may know our story: School Safety Agents, 70% of whom are women, mostly African-Americans and Latinas, many single-moms, earned $7,000 less per year than other Peace Officers doing similar jobs. Those other Peace Officers jobs, are 70% male. Some might call this just a coincidence. I call this being cheated! Since 2010, we fought to end this injustice. Luckily we have a strong union, Teamsters Local 237, headed by President Gregory Floyd, so our story had a happy ending with an historic settlement. But we know full-well that women's equality does not happen easily or overnight. And even more important, no one should not have to go to court or negotiate a settlement just to be treated equally."