The City: Eviction Filings Highest Among Private Managers of NYCHA Buildings

Firms that are operating public housing units via the RAD partnerships have been “very aggressive” with efforts to kick people out for non-payment of rent.

South Williamsburg NYCHA residents protest work being done on the building through new private management, Jan. 11, 2021. Credit: Ben Fractenberg/THE CITY

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Pre-Retirement Online Seminar Sept. 18 & 19

Local 237 Edorses Harris for President

Largest Teamster local says yes to Kamala.

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Newsline - Summer 2024

"Reaching Out with Gregory Floyd"

President Floyd hosts a weekly half-hour public affairs radio program. Tune in Saturdays on AM970 The Answer at 2:30 and 9:00pm and on AM570 The Mission at 4:30pm. The show can also be seen on Local 237's website, YOUTUBE and FACEBOOK social media platforms.

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New Union Benefit! Identity Fraud Services

With our partner ID Resolution, we provide you with a comprehensive program should your identity be compromised. If you believe your identity has been stolen or you are at risk, contact ID Resolution.

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Dec 2014/Jan 2015

Dec 2014/Jan 2015

Our Future Begins with a Solemn Oath

Hoffa + new board members
Hoffa, third from left, stands with newly sworn in board members. They are, from left, Edmund Kane, trustee; Ruben Torres, secretarytreasurer, President Gregory Floyd; Richard Hendershot, vice president, Jeanette Taveras and Curtis Scott, trustees; and Patricia Stryker, recording secretary.

Guests, including many elected officials, filled Local 237’s union hall on Jan. 17 for the Installation Ceremony that kicked off the next five-year term for President Gregory Floyd and six executive board members. James P. Hoffa, general president, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, officiated, and George Miranda, vice president at-large, IBT, and president, Joint Council 16, served as master of ceremonies. The Rev. Robert Royal of St. Paul Baptist Church delivered the invocation.

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Floyd Testifies at Hearing on NYCHA Lighting

President Gregory Floyd is joined at City Council by David Jones, president and CEO of Community Service Society, center, and Victor Bach, senior housing policy analyst, CSS.

President Gregory Floyd testified at a City Council oversight hearing on the relationship between lighting and safety at New York City Housing Authority in the wake of the Akai Gurley shooting. The hearing was held on Dec. 16.

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Atascada Primera Negociación con NYCHA

Miembros del comité de negociaciónes prestan atención.

Rompiendo con lo tradicional, Shola Olatoye, presidenta y ejecutiva principal de la Autoridad de Viviendas de la Ciudad de Nueva York, no asistió a la primera reunión de negociación que tuvo lugar Diciembre 10, 2014 en la sede del Local 237. También, la gerencia se abstuvo de presentar alguna propuesta. En su lugar, el Comisionado Laboral de la Ciudad, Bob Linn, solicitó al comité “apretar el botón de reajuste” en cuanto a relaciones obrero-patronales, y el Gerente General, George House dio un resumen de las malas condiciones económicas de NYCHA.

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