Italian Heritage 2013

Frank Pennisi

Frank Pennisi
Cement Maker, Staten Island
City University of New York
Citywide Division

Frank Pennisi became a cement maker for the College of Staten Island in 1994. He has served on the negotiating committee and attends chapter meetings. Married with three children, Penese says he loves baseball and trips to the beach with family. Father-in-law, Joe Bono, is a retired Local 237 bricklayer foreman.

Anthony Demeco

Anthony Demeco
Plasterer, Brooklyn Borough
New York City Housing Authority
Housing Division

Anthony Demeco has 26 years of service and has been a shop steward for the past 10 years. He takes pride in his work and appreciates the benefits he receives as a union member. Demeco is married with two sons who are active in sports.

Carmelo Sancetta

Carmelo Sancetta
Brentwood Schools
Long Island Division

A shop steward for more than 20 years with 36 years of service, Carmelo Sancetta values his union benefits and has strong union bonds, including his brother, Anthony, and brother-in-law Danny Mayer, who are also Local 237 members. In his spare time, Sancetta is a model-train enthusiast.

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