b"How were your coworkers to deal with? And did they accept you as a woman?They would accept me. It was no problems as a caretaker. They were beautiful. When I went along in my promotions,that's when it was a little difficult. But still, housing was not easy for us women. We didn't have a place to change. No locker room. No bathroom for women. So, it was a little difficult for us.What did you do?I used to go to the bathroom in the super's or the assistant super's office, the maintenance management office. Justto have a place for you to change was difficult, you had to do it in the bathroom. We used to fight for our rights. At the beginning, I didn't know too much about the meetings in the union. But once I learned about them, I was coming tothem. That's when I went to take the exam for foreman of caretakers. I know my job; I like the job that I did. I'm a very organized person when it comes to my job. So, I said, I can do that. I dont like anybody telling me how to do it. I want todo it my way and I know it's going to be done correctly. I achieved it.When it was the snow time, my supervisor wantedto see bare cement. He didn't want any excuses. Everything had to be cleared. If you have ever been to Morrisania AirRights, you know that from the building all the way to the sidewalk is a long path. And the parking lot. No excuses and no special treatment.You are expected to do what any other caretaker was expected to do.Exactly. I love to do it and working with my coworkers. Even when I finished my work on time, I would stay in thebuilding in case they needed me someplace else, I'll be there. I had a partner; his name was Steve Gordein [sp?]. We used to maintain that building so beautiful. So beautiful. I learned to strip the floors, wax them. The hopper area was nice and clean. You could come into the building and you can eat from the floor, because that's how it was. And that's how I expected my staff members to work also.Did you stay at the Morrisanian Air Rights for a while? Yes, I stayed there four years. My baby was about two years old when I was going to the classes for foreman of caretakers. He was giving me a hard time. I had to drop out of the class after a month and a half. But I passed the exam.They didn't call me. But they had an opening for the HPT, the Heating Plant Technician.How did you hear about that job?Through the union's meetings. They have courses for it. I was wondering what that job was.I had a wonderful co-worker. His name was Sean Johnson. He used to work in the boiler room. His brother was Bobby Johnson. He was anelevator mechanic, supervisor once he left. They helped me. I used to go in the boiler room and ask questions and seethem do their job. They helped me out through that, and I learn. That staff at Morrisania Air Rights was like family. We looked out for each other. Even the director of the Bronx borough used to come to our Christmas and Thanksgivingcelebrations. They used to come to our development and eat with us and enjoy, like a feast together. It was so family oriented.Whether you were a caretaker or assistant super or super, we used to look out for each other. The secretariestoo. The housing assistants, the manager. It was beautiful.136 "